CMAI Research
CMAI was founded in 2020 with a goal to provide unique learning experiences for students and postdocs and to foster ties between Academia, National Labs, Industry, and Government.
The Center focuses on artificial intelligence, digital twins, big data, neuromorphic imaging, control, optimization, anomalous (nonlocal) diffusion, nonlinear partial differential equations, with a broad range of applications. CMAI is funded by George Mason University, National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Army Research Office, and Department of Navy.
Magnetic Drug Targeting
COVID-19 Spread Research
3D Turbulence Model
The goal is to move the droplet placed on top of electrodes, acting as control, to a desired location.
- CMAI organizes the SIAM DC-MD-VA Sectional meeting (Fall 2024)SIAM Washington-Baltimore Section Fall Meeting 2024 (In-Person Only) December 6, 2024 Van Metre Hall, George Mason University (Arlington Campus)3351 Fairfax Dr, Arlington, VA 22201 Registration […]
- Congratulations Sean Carney!CMAI postdoc Sean Carney becomes a Tenure Track Assistant Professor at Union College, NY
- Congratulations Kiefer Green!PhD student Kiefer Green successfully defends his dissertation titled “Multigrid Algorithms and Software for PDEs and Optimization”